Clinical Research and Forensic Toxicology Application Compendium |
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Table of Contents |
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Clinical Research |
3 |
Application Notes |
5 |
An LC-MS/MS Research Method for the Quantification of Mycophenolic Acid (MPA) in Plasma |
7 |
LC-MS/MS Analysis of Estradiol with Dansyl Derivatization |
11 |
Quantitative Analysis of Low Testosterone Concentrations in Plasma Using the TSQ Quantiva Triple-Stage Quadrupole MS |
15 |
Quantitation of Mycophenolic Acid in Plasma for Research by TurboFlow HPLC-MS/MS |
19 |
Quantification of 17 Antiepileptics and Their Metabolites in Human Plasma by LC-MS/MS for Research |
23 |
Selected-Reaction Monitoring–Mass Spectrometric Immunoassay Analysis of Parathyroid Hormone and Related Variants |
29 |
Automated, High-Throughput LC-MS/MS Workflow for the Analysis of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D2/3 and 3-epi-25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 |
35 |
Analysis of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D in Serum Using an Automated Online Sample Preparation Technique with a High-Resolution Benchtop Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer |
39 |
Plasma Free Metanephrines Quantitation with Automated Online Sample Preparation and Liquid Chromatography—Tandem Mass Spectrometry |
43 |
Quantitation of Estrone and Estradiol with Automated Online Sample Preparation and LC-MS/MS |
47 |
Quantitative Analysis of Serum 1α,25-dihydroxy vitamin D byAPPI-LC-MS/MS |
53 |
Quantitative Measurement of Plasma Free Metanephrines by Ion-Pairing Solid Phase Extraction and LC-MS/MS with Porous Graphitic Carbon Column |
57 |
Fast and Sensitive LC-APCI-MS/MS Quantitative Analysis of Estrone and Estradiol in Serum without Chemical Derivatization |
61 |
Quantitative Analysis of Cortisol and Cortisone in Urine by LC-MS/MS |
67 |
Quantitative Analysis of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D2 and D3 using Immunoaffinity Extraction with APCI-LC-MS/MS |
71 |
Quantitative LC-MS/MS Analysis of 25-OH Vitamin D3/D2 Comparing 1D Chromatography, 2D Chromatography and Automated Online Sample Preparation |
73 |
Poster Notes |
77 |
The Use of A New Meta-calculation Software for Automated Data Processing of Tandem MS for Inborn Error Metabolism Research |
79 |
Multiplexing Multiple Methods to Maximize Workflow Efficiency in LC-MS Laboratories |
87 |
Full Optimization of LC/MS Methods to Increase Robustness of Complicated Matrix Containing Samples Using Active Flow Management Chromatography |
95 |
Targeted Quantitation of Insulin and Its Therapeutic Analogs for Research |
103 |
Webinars |
111 |
Drug Monitoring Research |
113 |
Application Notes |
115 |
An LC-MS/MS Research Method for the Quantification of Mycophenolic Acid (MPA) in Plasma |
117 |
Quantitation of Immunosuppressant Drugs in Whole Blood Using the Prelude-SPLC System and TSQ Endura Mass Spectrometer for Research |
121 |
Quantitative Analysis of Immunosuppressants in Dried Blood Spots Using the TSQ Endura Triple Quadrupole MS for Research |
125 |
Research Analysis of Clozapine and Norclozapine in Plasma Using Automated Sample Preparation and LC-MS/MS |
129 |
Bioanalytical Assay for Neurotransmitters in Whole Blood by LC-MS/MS |
133 |
Determination of Digoxin in Serum by Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry |
137 |
Quantitative Analysis of Mevalonate in Plasma Using LC-MS/MS |
141 |
Validated LC-MS/MS Method for the Analysis of Immunosuppressant Drugs in Whole Blood Using the RECIPE ClinMass® Complete Kit |
143 |
Simultaneous Quantitative Analysis of Four Immunosuppressive Drugs Using High Resolution Accurate Mass LC-MS |
145 |
Improved Quantitative Selectivity of Clenbuterol in Human Urine Using High Resolution on the TSQ Quantum Mass Spectrometer |
149 |
Poster Notes |
153 |
Versatile Solutions to Current Demands for Automated Sample Cleanup, High Throughput, and High-Resolution Chromatography on a Single LC-MS Platform |
155 |
An Improved Immunosuppressant Drug Research Method Based on a Novel SPLC-MS/MS System |
163 |
A Novel On-Line Sample Cleanup and Liquid Chromatography Platform for LC/MS Analysis in the Clinical Research Laboratory |
171 |
LC-MS Quantitative Screening Method for 18 Anabolic Steroids in Oral Fluid Using MS2 Spectra Data Collected with Q Exactive Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer |
179 |
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of 9 New Anticancer Agents by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry |
187 |
The Utilization of Novel Platform in a LC-MS/MS Workflow for the Analysis of Vitamin D, Testosterone, Immunosuppressants, Chemotherapeutics and Cortisol |
195 |
Forensic Toxicology |
203 |
Application Notes |
205 |
Quantitation of Opiates to Low ng/mL Levels in Urine for Forensic Use Using an Affordable, High-Resolution, Accurate-Mass Mass Spectrometer |
207 |
LC-MS/MS Analysis of EtG and EtS in Dilute Urine on the TSQ Endura Triple Quadrupole MS |
215 |
Quantitative Forensic Analysis of Opiates, Opioids, and Their Metabolites in Human Urine Without Hydrolysis |
219 |
Quantitation of Bath Salts/Cathinones in Urine by LC-MS/MS |
223 |
Evaluation of an LC-MS/MS Research Method for the Analysis of 33 Benzodiazepines and their Metabolites |
227 |
Quantitation of EtG and EtS in Urine by Ion-Pairing LC-MS/MS |
235 |
High-Throughput Quantitative LC-MS/MS Analysis of 6 Opiates and 14 Benzodiazepines in Urine |
237 |
Simultaneous Quantitation of 43 Drugs in Human Urine with a “Dilute-and-Shoot” LC-MS/MS Method |
245 |
Simultaneous Quantitation of 19 Drugs in Human Plasma and Serum by LC-MS/MS |
251 |
Quantitation of Six Opioids in Urine with Super-Dilution and Microflow LC-MS/MS |
259 |
Quantitation of Amphetamines in Urine for SAMHSA Mandated Workplace Drug Testing Using a Triple Stage Quadrupole LC-MS System |
263 |
Quantitation of Synthetic Cannabinoids in Urine Using a Triple Stage Quadrupole LC-MS System in Forensic Toxicology |
267 |
THC-COOH Quantification in Urine Using Dilute and Shoot LC-MS/MS Method forForensic Toxicology |
271 |
Demonstrating High-Performance Quantitative Analysis of Benzodiazepines using Multiplexed SIM with High-Resolution, Accurate Mass Detection on the Q Exactive LC/MS |
275 |
Antidepressants and Neuroleptics Quantitation Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry and Automated Online Sample Preparation |
279 |
Software Driven Quantitative LC-MS Analysis of Opioids in Urine for Forensic Laboratories |
283 |
Quantitation of Six Synthetic Opioids in Urine Using a Triple Stage Quadrupole LC-MS System |
291 |
Quantitation of Six Opiates in Urine Using a Triple Stage Quadrupole LC-MS System |
295 |
Quantitation of 14 Benzodiazepines and Benzodiazepine Metabolites in Urine Using a Triple Stage Quadrupole LC-MS System |
299 |
Targeted Screening of Drugs of Abuse and Toxic Compounds with LC-MS/MS Using Triple Stage Quadrupole Technology |
303 |
Simultaneous Analysis of Opiates and Benzodiazepines in Urine in Under 3 Minutes per Sample Using LC-MS/MS |
307 |
Quantitation of Urinary Ethyl Glucuronide and Ethyl Sulfate Using Ultrahigh Resolution LC-MS |
309 |
Quantitation of 12 Benzodiazepines and Metabolites in Urine Using Ultrahigh Resolution LC-MS for Forensic Toxicology Use |
311 |
Screening and Quantification of Multiple Drugs in Urine Using Automated Online Sample Preparation and Tandem Mass Spectrometry |
313 |
Determination of LSD and Its Metabolites in Human Biological Samples by Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry |
315 |
A Quantitative Test for Multiple Classes of Illicit Drugs and Their Primary Metabolites in Human Biological Fluids by LC-MS/MS for Forensic Use |
319 |
Quantitation of Fentanyl and Norfentanyl from Urine Using On-line High Throughput System |
323 |
Forensic Analysis of Opiates in Whole Blood by LC-MS/MS Using Automated, Online Sample Preparation |
325 |
A Complete Toxicology Screening Procedure for Drugs and Toxic Compounds in Urine and Plasma Using LC-MS/MS |
327 |
Rapid Analysis of Opiates from Low Volume Whole Blood Samples by LC-MS/MS Utilizing TurboFlow Methods |
335 |
Forensic Toxicology Screening with LC-MS/MS and Automated Online Sample Preparation |
339 |
Screening for Drugs and Toxic Compounds: Comparison between LC-MS/MS, HPLC-DAD, and Immunoassay |
341 |
Screening of 20 Benzodiazepines and Four Metabolites in Whole Blood using UHPLC-MS/MS |
345 |
Quantitative LC-MS Analysis of 14 Benzodiazepines in Urine Using TraceFinder 1.1 Software and High Resolution Accurate Mass |
347 |
A Fully Automated LC-MS Screening System using Automated Online Sample Preparation for Forensic Toxicology |
355 |
Analysis of Multiple Illicit Drugs, Methadone, and their Metabolites in Oral Fluid Using a Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer |
357 |
Screening Drugs and Toxic Compounds with LC-MS/MS: An Alternative to LC-UV for Research Toxicology Labs |
361 |
Poster Notes |
365 |
Direct Analysis using Paper-Spray Mass Spectrometry: Method Development for the Rapid Screening of Drugs of Abuse for Forensic Toxicology |
367 |
Confirmatory Determination of Buprenorphine and Norbuprenorphine in Urine Using A High-Throughput LC-HRAM-MS/MS Forensic Methodology |
375 |
Evaluating New ToxFinder Data Processing Software in Targeted Screening Applications Implemented on Orbitrap Ultra High Resolution Mass Spectrometers and Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers |
383 |
Quantitation of 47 Forensic Compounds in Urine by HPLC-MS |
393 |
Multiplexing Multiple Methods to Maximize Workflow Efficiency in LC-MS Laboratories |
401 |
LC/MS/MS Research Method for 14 Antidepressants Utilizing Dried Blood Spots |
409 |
Verification of an LC-MS/MS Forensic Method for 19 Opioids, Opiates, and Their Metabolites in Human Urine Without Hydrolysis |
417 |
Advantages of Ultra-High-Resolution Q Exactive Mass Spectrometer in Analysis of Unlimited Number of Compounds in Urine Quantitative Screening Application for Forensics |
425 |
Quantitation of Seven Designer Cathinones in Urine Using Q Exactive Mass Spectrometer |
431 |
High-Resolution, Accurate-Mass Forensic Toxicology Screening in Blood Samples Using a Q Exactive Mass Spectrometer |
439 |
Verification of the Simultaneous Analysis of Heroin Addiction Treatment Compounds Using LC/MS/MS with a New Prelude SPLC™ System |
447 |
Quantitative Confirmatory Analysis of the NIDA 5 Panel Using Prelude SPLC System and TSQ Quantum Ultra MS |
455 |
Quantitative Analysis of THC and Main Metabolites in Whole Blood Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry and Automated Online Sample Preparation |
463 |
Webinars |
471 |
Sports Anti-Doping |
473 |
Application Notes | Poster Notes |
475 |
Detection of Stanozolol Glucuronides in Human Sports Drug Testing by Means of High-Resolution, Accurate-Mass Mass Spectrometry |
477 |
Screening in Equine Doping Control Analysis with Ultrahigh Resolution and Accurate Mass |
483 |
MS/MS as an LC Detector for the Screening of Drugs and Their Metabolites in Race Horse Urine |
487 |
Rapid Quantitative and Confirmational Screening for Drugs in Race Horse Urine by ESI-LC-MS/MS and MS3 |
495 |
Developing a Method to Protect the Integrity of Racing Using Targeted SRM: Detection and Quantitation of rhEPO/DPO in Horse Plasma |
503 |
Targeted Quantitation of Insulin and Its Therapeutic Analogs for Research |
507 |
Analysis of Equine Doping Using TurboFlow Technology and Multiplexing with LC-MS/MS |
515 |
Peer Reviewed Articles |
517 |
Webinars |
519 |
Translational Research |
521 |
Application Notes |
523 |
Automated High-Throughput Data Processing for Targeted Multiplexed Insulin Analog Detection and Quantification |
525 |
Selected-Reaction Monitoring–Mass Spectrometric Immunoassay Analysis of Parathyroid Hormone and Related Variants |
537 |
Targeted Kinase Inhibitor Profiling Using a Hybrid Quadrupole-OrbitrapMass Spectrometer |
543 |
Peer Reviewed Articles |
551 |
Poster Notes |
553 |
Improving Throughput for Highly Multiplexed Targeted Quantification Methods Using Novel API-Remote Instrument Control and State-Model Data Acquisition Schemes |
555 |
Targeted Quantitation of Insulin and Its Therapeutic Analogs for Research |
563 |
Enrichment of EGFR/PI3K/AKT/PTEN Proteins for Research using Immunoprecipitation and with Mass Spectrometry-based Analysis |
571 |
Real-Time Qualitative and Quantitative Global Proteomics Profiling Using a Hybrid Data Acquisition Scheme |
579 |
Characterizing Qualitative and Quantitative Global Changes in the Aging Heart Using pSMART, a Novel Acquisition Method |
587 |
Targeted Multiplexed Protein Quantitation Using Serial Immunoaffinity Extraction Coupled to LC-MS |
593 |
Improving Throughput for Targeted Quantification Methods by Intelligent Acquisition |
601 |
Spectrum Library Retention Time Prediction Based on Endogenous Peptide Standards |
609 |
Comprehensive Peptide Searching Workflow to Maximize Protein Identifications |
615 |
A Phospho-Peptide Spectrum Library for Improved Targeted Assays |
633 |
Improving Label-Free Quantification of Plasma and Serum Proteins Using a High-Resolution Hybrid Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer |
641 |
Detection of Cellular Response to an in vitro Challenge with Bacterial Gram-Negative Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) for Biomarker Research |
649 |
Webinars |
657 |