Translational Research Poster Notes
Improving Throughput for Highly Multiplexed Targeted Quantification Methods Using Novel API-Remote Instrument Control and State-Model Data Acquisition Schemes PN64078: Targeted Quantitation of Insulin and Its Therapeutic Analogs for Research PN64139: Enrichment of EGFR/PI3K/AKT/PTEN Proteins for Research Using Immunoprecipitation and with Mass Spectrometry-Based Analysis PN64149: Real-Time Qualitative and Quantitative Global Proteomics Profiling Using a Hybrid Data Acquisition Scheme PN64144: Characterizing Qualitative and Quantitative Global Changes in the Aging Heart using pSMART, a Novel Acquisition Method PN64039: Targeted Multiplexed Protein Quantitation Using Serial Immunoaffinity Extraction Coupled to LC-MS MSACL 14 PN: Improving Throughput for Targeted Quantification Methods by Intelligent Acquisition MSACL 14 PN: Spectrum Library Retention Time Prediction Based on Endogenous Peptide Standards HUPO 2013 PN: Comprehensive Peptide Searching Workflow to Maximize Protein Identifications ASMS 2013 PN: High-Resolution, Accurate-Mass (HR/AM) and Intelligent Acquisition-Enabled Global Discovery and Quantification of Histones, Histone PTMS, and Histone Modification Enzymes in Mesenchymal Stem Cells A Phospho-Peptide Spectrum Library for Improved Targeted Assays ASMS 2013 PN: Improving Label-Free Quantification of Plasma and Serum Proteins Using a High-Resolution Hybrid Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer ASMS 2013 PN: Detection of Cellular Response to an in vitro Challenge with Bacterial Gram-Negative Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) for Biomarker ResearchFor research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.