Translational Research Peer Reviewed Articles (cont.)
Lopez, M. F.; Sarracino, D. A.; Vogelsang, M.; Sutton, J. N.; Athanas, M.; Krastins, B.; Garces, A.; Prakash, A.; Peterman, S.;
Demirjian, Z.; Inglessis-Azuaje, I.; Feeney, K.; Elia, M.; McMullin, D.; Dec, G. W.; Palacios, I.; Lo, E. H.; Buonanno, F.; Ning, M.
Heart-brain signaling in patent foramen ovale-related stroke: differential plasma proteomic expression patterns revealed with a
2-pass liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry discovery workflow.
J. Invest. Med.
(8), 1122–1130.
http:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23147404.
Peterman, S.; Frewen, B.; Prakash, A. Use of synthetic peptides to determine relative retention times for automated targeted
protein/peptide quantification method development.
Chromatography Online, The Column
Lopez, M. F.; Sarracino, D. A.; Prakash, A.; Athanas, M.; Krastins, B.; Rezai, T.; Sutton, J. N.; Peterman, S.; Gvozdyak, O.; Chou, S.;
Lo, E.; Buonanno, F.; Ning, M. Discrimination of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes using a multiplexed, mass spec-based assay
for serum apolipoproteins coupled to multi-marker ROC algorithm.
Proteomics: Clin. Appl.
(3–4), 190–200.
http://www. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22532455.
Blackwell, B. J.; Lopez, M. F.; Wang, J.; Krastins, B.; Sarracino, D.; Tollervey, J. R.; Dobke, M.; Jordan, I. K.; Lunyak, V. V. Protein
interactions with piALU RNA indicates putative participation of retroRNA in the cell cycle, DNA repair and chromatin assembly.
Mobile Genetic Elements
(1), 26–35.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3383447/ .Lopez, M. F.; Sarracino, D.; Athanas, M.; Krastins, B.; Prakash, A.; Garces, A. Global profiling and relative quantification of
histones, histone PTMs and histone-modifying enzymes in mesenchymal stem cells using LC-MS/MS and a novel PerfectPair
mass difference algorithm.
Cell Cycle
(24), 4181–4183.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22157186 .Li, Y.; Tian, Y.; Rezai, T.; Prakash, A.; Lopez, M. F.; Chan, D. W.; Zhang, H. Simultaneous analysis of glycosylated and sialylated
prostate-specific antigen revealing differential distribution of glycosylated prostate-specific antigen isoforms in prostate cancer
Anal. Chem.
(1), 240–245.
Prakash, A.; Rezai, T.; Krastins, B.; Sarracino, D.; Athanas, M.; Russo, P.; Ross, M. M.; Zhang, H.; Tian, Y.; Kulasingam, V.;
Drabovich, A. P.; Smith, C.; Batruch, I.; Liotta, L.; Petricoin, E.; Diamandis, E. P.; Chan, D. W.; Lopez, M. F. Platform for establishing
inter-laboratory reproducibility of selected reaction monitoring-based mass spectrometry peptide assays.
J. Proteome Res.
(12), 6678–6688.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20945832 .Nilsson, C. L.; Dillon, R.; Devakumar, A.; Shi, S. D.; Greig, M.; Rogers, J. C.; Krastins, B.; Rosenblatt, M.; Kilmer, G.; Major, M.;
Kaboord, B. J.; Sarracino, D.; Rezai, T.; Prakash, A.; Lopez, M.; Ji, Y.; Priebe, W.; Lang, F. F.; Colman, H.; Conrad, C. A. Quantitative
phosphoproteomic analysis of the STAT3/IL-6/HIF1a signaling network: an initial study in GSC11 glioblastoma stem cells.
Proteome Res.
(1), 430–443.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19899826 .For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.