Forensic Toxicology Poster Notes
PN64316: Direct Analysis Using Paper-Spray Mass Spectrometry: Method Development for the Rapid Screening of Drugs of Abuse for Forensic Toxicology PN64226: Confirmatory Determination of Buprenorphine and Norbuprenorphine in Urine Using A High-Throughput LC- HRAM-MS/MS Forensic Methodology PN64230: Evaluating New ToxFinder Data Processing Software in Targeted Screening Applications Implemented on Orbitrap Ultra High Resolution Mass Spectrometers and Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers PN64231: Quantitation of 47 Forensic Compounds in Urine by HPLC-MS PN64227: Multiplexing Multiple Methods to Maximize Workflow Efficiency in LC-MS Laboratories PN64075: Verification of an LC-MS/MS Research Method for 14 Anti Depressants Utilizing Dried Blood Spots PN64077: Verification of an LC-MS/MS Forensic Method for 19 Opioids, Opiates, and Their Metabolites in Human Urine without Hydrolysis MSACL 14 PN: Advantages of Ultra-High-Resolution Q Exactive Mass Spectrometer in Analysis of Unlimited Number of Compounds in Urine Quantitative Screening Application for Forensics ASMS 2013 PN: Quantitation of Seven Designer Cathinones in Urine Using Q Exactive Mass Spectrometer ASMS 2013 PN: High-Resolution, Accurate-Mass Forensic Toxicology Screening in Blood Samples Using a Q Exactive Mass Spectrometer ASMS 2013 PN: Verification of the Simultaneous Analysis of Heroin Addiction Treatment Compounds Using LC/MS/MS with a New Prelude SPLC™ System ASMS 2013 PN: Quantitative Confirmatory Analysis of the NIDA 5 Panel Using Prelude SPLC System and TSQ Quantum Ultra MS PN63786: Quantitative Analysis of THC and Main Metabolites in Whole Blood Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry and Automated Online Sample Preparation