Forensic Toxicology Application Notes
AN615: Quantitation of Opiates to Low ng/mL Levels in Urine for Forensic Use Using an Affordable, High-Resolution, Accurate-Mass Mass Spectrometer AN602: LC-MS/MS Analysis of EtG and EtS in Dilute Urine on the TSQ Endura Triple Quadrupole MS AN601: Quantitative Forensic Analysis of Opiates, Opioids, and Their Metabolites in Human Urine Without Hydrolysis AN596: Quantitation of Bath Salts/Cathinones in Urine by LC-MS/MS AN593: Evaluation of an LC-MS/MS Research Method for the Analysis of 33 Benzodiazepines and their Metabolites AN589: Quantitation of EtG and EtS in Urine by Ion Paring LC-MS/MS AN588: High Throughput Quantitative LC-MS/MS Analysis of 6 Opiates and 14 Benzodiazepines in Urine AN576: Simultaneous Quantitation of 43 Drugs in Human Urine with a “Dilute-and-Shoot” LC-MS/MS Method AN571: Simultaneous Quantitation of 19 Drugs in Human Plasma and Serum by LC-MS/MS AN570: Quantitation of Six Opioids in Urine with Super Dilution and Microflow LC-MS/MS AN561: Quantitation of Amphetamines in Urine for SAMHSA Mandated Workplace Drug Testing Using a Triple Stage Quadrupole LC-MS System AN559: Quantitation of Synthetic Cannabinoids in Urine Using a Triple Stage Quadrupole LC-MS System in Forensic Toxicology AN548: THC-COOH Quantification in Urine Using Dilute and Shoot LC-MS/MS Method for Forensic Toxicology AN551: Demonstrating High-Performance Quantitative Analysis of Benzodiazepines using Multiplexed SIM with High- Resolution, Accurate Mass Detection on the Q Exactive LC/MS AN556: Antidepressants and Neuroleptics Quantitation Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry and Automated Online Sample Preparation AN541: Software Driven Quantitative LC-MS Analysis of Opioids in Urine for Forensic Laboratories AN545: Quantitation of Six Synthetic Opioids in Urine Using a Triple Stage Quadrupole LC-MS System AN546: Quantitation of Six Opiates in Urine Using a Triple Stage Quadrupole LC-MS System AN547: Quantitation of 14 Benzodiazepines and Benzodiazepine Metabolites in Urine Using a Triple Stage Quadrupole LC-MS System AN536: Targeted Screening of Drugs of Abuse and Toxic Compounds with LC-MS/MS Using Triple Stage Quadrupole Technology