Forensic Toxicology Application Notes (cont.)
AN486b: Simultaneous Analysis of Opiates and Benzodiazepines in Urine in Under 3 Minutes per Sample Using LC- MS/MS AN488b: Quantitation of Urinary Ethyl Glucuronide and Ethyl Sulfate Using Ultrahigh Resolution LC-MS AN489b: Quantitation of 12 Benzodiazepines and Metabolites in Urine Using Ultrahigh Resolution LC-MS for Forensic Toxicology Use AN512: Screening and Quantification of Multiple Drugs in Urine Using Automated Online Sample Preparation and Tandem Mass Spectrometry AN383: Determination of LSD and Its Metabolites in Human Biological Samples by Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry AN390: A Quantitative Test for Multiple Classes of Illicit Drugs and Their Primary Metabolites in Human Biological Fluids by LC-MS/MS for Forensic Use AN457: A Quantitation of Fentanyl and Norfentanyl from Urine Using On-line High Throughput System AN461b: Forensic Analysis of Opiates in Whole Blood by LC-MS/MS Using Automated, Online Sample Preparation AN449: A Complete Toxicology Screening Procedure for Drugs and Toxic Compounds in Urine and Plasma Using LC- MS/MS AN461: Rapid Analysis of Opiates from Low Volume Whole Blood Samples by LC-MS/MS Utilizing TurboFlow Methods AN507b: Forensic Toxicology Screening with LC-MS/MS and Automated Online Sample Preparation AN517: Screening for Drugs and Toxic Compounds: Comparison between LC-MS/MS, HPLC-DAD, and Immunoassay AN527: Screening of 20 Benzodiazepines and Four Metabolites in Whole Blood using UHPLC-MS/MS AN529: Quantitative LC-MS Analysis of 14 Benzodiazepines in Urine Using TraceFinder 1.1 Software and High Resolution Accurate Mass AN524: A Fully Automated LC-MS Screening System using Automated Online Sample Preparation for Forensic Toxicology AN366: Analysis of Multiple Illicit Drugs, Methadone, and their Metabolites in Oral Fluid Using a Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer AN467: Screening Drugs and Toxic Compounds with LC-MS/MS: An Alternative to LC-UV for Research Toxicology Labs