Sports Anti-Doping Webinars
WB64303: Comprehensive Anti-doping Detection using the Q Exactive Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer for Equine
Urine Analysis
Equine anti-doping analysis is a changing and dynamic field of science. The constant introduction of new drugs and
biopharmaceuticals present challenges to the integrity of sports. In this webinar Dr. Scott Stanley will discuss how
advancements of modern mass spectrometry, specifically, the Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap™ MS have enabled anti-
doping laboratories to significantly expand the drug coverage for both human and equine athletes.
Comprehensive Anti-doping Detection using the Q Exactive Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer for Equine Urine AnalysisWB64009: How to Streamline Sample Preparation for Equine Drug Screening using LC/MS
Learn improved LC-MS solutions for equine drug screening by maximizes sensitivity and selectivity while minimizing
sample handling using automated on-line sample cleanup by TurboFlow™ technology coupled ultra high-resolution
liquid chromatography (UHPLC). The capability, productivity and reliability of the Thermo Scientific™ Transcend™ II
system is evaluated in this presentation. Experiences in developing and validating new drug screening methods, as
well as transferring existing methods, will also be discussed.
How to Streamline Sample Preparation for Equine Drug Screening using LC/MSWB64303: Comprehensive Anti-doping Detection using the Q Exactive Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer for Equine
Urine Analysis
Comprehensive Anti-doping Detection using the Q Exactive Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer for Equine Urine Analysis
Equine anti-doping analysis is a changing and dynamic field of science. The constant introduction of new drugs and
biopharmaceuticals present challenges to the integrity of sports. In this webinar Dr. Scott Stanley will discuss how
advancements of modern mass spectrometry, specifically, the Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap™ MS have enabled anti-
doping laboratories to significantly expand the drug coverage for both human and equine athletes.
Comprehensive Anti-doping Detection using the Q Exactive Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer for Equine Urine Analysis