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CS62977_E 06/09M
Dr. Stanley estimates the Transcend
system shaves 20 minutes off the two
hours it used to take him to run a batch of
samples – a huge savings on a typical race
day consisting of a dozen races or more.
The decision to pull a horse or keep it in the
race can have huge legal implications for
the track. Dr. Stanley said he needs the best
data he can get to support his calls.
“Now we have the luxury of spending
more time confirming a sample that is
flagged. We don’t have to make decisions
instantly, so there’s a lot less pressure,”
Dr. Stanley said. “Before, we were running
so short of time that if there were any hiccups
in the second stage of confirmation, it might
be too late to call a horse out of the race.”
Because of the volume of screening work in
Dr. Stanley’s lab, multiplexing is a necessity.
The multiplexing capability of the Transcend
system was a key reason he adopted it.
“Our previous instrument ran four
samples at once, so it was always sampling
each channel 25 percent of the time, which
decreases your sensitivity a lot; you lose
more than 50 percent compared to just
running a single channel,” Dr. Stanley said.
The Transcend system delivers a huge
increase in throughput, enabling users to
run two or four different methods simulta-
neously on one mass spectrometer.
These unique capabilities do not come
at the cost of data quality. Because the
operation of each multiplexed LC system is
staggered and parallel, the mass spectrometer
is dedicated solely to a single sample stream
during the critical elution step, maintaining
data quality and sensitivity throughout the
process. The TLX-4 system quadruples the
throughput of a single channel system,
reducing typical mass spectrometer idle
time from 75 percent to 4 percent.
Online Operations
With a staff of 19 and several different groups
of technicians working on the system,
Dr. Stanley identified ease-of-use and the
ability to unify all online operations on a
single software platform as critical factors
in his decision.
All of the Transcend system online
operations are controlled by Thermo Scientific
Aria software – including multiplexing,
pump, valve and autosampler operation.
“From the first day we had the system
up and running, we were getting results.
Literally, we were using it in eight hours
and understood it pretty well,” Dr. Stanley
said. “The Aria software made it simple to
play around with the various parameters, and
the graphic interfaces were easy to follow.”
The Transcend system reduced sample
preparation time and increased mass
spectrometry throughput for the Singapore
Turf Club. In addition, the system virtually
eliminated ion suppression by removing
99 percent of all endogenous phospholipids.
The opportunity to purchase a complete
solution that is ready to run out of the box
is one reason Singapore Turf Club turned
to Thermo Scientific technology. “Other
companies said, ‘Buy a bit of this, and a bit
of this and this, and we’ll put it together for
you and make it work,’” Dr. Stanley said.
“But we can’t afford to spend the next two
years doing a research project. These are
frontline instruments and we needed some-
thing with the kind of reliability Thermo
Fisher Scientific offers.”
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www.thermo.comThe Transcend TLX-4 system with the
Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantum Ultra
mass spectrometer provided a 30 second
data window for eight antibiotic
calibration standards.