Sports Anti-Doping Application Notes
AN613: Detection of Stanozolol Glucuronides in Human Sports Drug Testing by Means of High-Resolution, Accurate- Mass Mass Spectrometry AN496: Screening in Equine Doping Control Analysis with Ultrahigh Resolution and Accurate Mass AN346: MS/MS as an LC Detector for the Screening of Drugs and Their Metabolites in Race Horse Urine AN350: Rapid Quantitative and Confirmational Screening for Drugs in Race Horse Urine by ESI-LC-MS/MS and MS 3 AN408: Developing a Method to Protect the Integrity of Racing Using Targeted SRM: Detection and Quantitation of rhEPO/DPO in Horse PlasmaSports Anti-Doping Poster Notes
PN64078: Targeted Quantitation of Insulin and Its Therapeutic Analogs for Research CS62977: Case Study, Analysis of Equine Doping Using TurboFlow Technology and Multiplexing with LC-MS/MS