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Targeted Kinase Inhibitor Profiling

Using a Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap

Mass Spectrometer

Scott Peterman


, Ryan D. Bomgarden


, Rosa Viner



Thermo Fisher Scientific, Cambridge, MA;


Thermo Fisher Scientific, Rockford, IL;


Thermo Fisher Scientific,

San Jose, CA

Application Note


Key Words

Q Exactive, targeted peptide quantification, msxSIM, kinome profiling by

MS, desthiobiotin nucleotide probes


To identify and quantify kinase inhibition by staurosporine using kinase

active sites probes in combination with targeted, multiplexed SIM (msxSIM).


Protein kinases are key enzymes involved in a wide array

of complex cellular functions and pathways. Misregulation

or mutation of protein kinases underlies numerous disease

states, including tumorigenesis, making them ideal candidates

for drug development. However, identifying specific

kinase inhibitors is challenging due to the high degree of

homology among subfamily members of the 500+ human

kinases. In addition, overlapping kinase substrate

specificity and crosstalk between cellular signaling

pathways can confound attempts to identify kinase

inhibitor targets

in vivo


An emerging technology for identifying kinase inhibitor

targets is based on chemical proteomic profiling of kinase

inhibitor specificity and binding affinity. This technology

combines mass spectrometry (MS)-based identification

and quantitation with small molecule probe binding and

enrichment to determine kinase active site occupancy

during inhibition. One of these methods uses novel

biotinylated ATP and/or ADP probes that irreversibly

react with conserved lysine residues of kinase ATP binding



Selective enrichment of active-site peptides from

labeled kinase digests dramatically reduces background

matrix and increases signal for MS analysis of low-

abundance kinase peptides. Using this method, more than

400 different protein and lipid kinases from various

mammalian tissues and cell lines have been identified and

functionally assayed using targeted acquisition on an ion

trap mass spectrometer.


The assays are available

commercially from ActivX Biosciences as their KiNativ

kinase profiling services.

Our approach incorporates desthiobiotin-ATP and -ADP

probes with a hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap


spectrometer into an integrated workflow for global

kinase identification and inhibition analysis (Figure 1).

This workflow leverages the unique capabilities of the

mass spectrometer for acquisition of MS and MS/MS

spectra in unbiased or targeted modes with Orbitrap ion

detection for high resolution and mass accuracy. A

multiplexed data acquisition method was also employed

to maximize instrument duty cycle and quantification of

low-abundance kinase peptides through selected ion

monitoring (SIM) on a nano-LC timescale. Overall, this

approach resulted in significant improvements to kinase

active-site peptide detection and relative quantitation for

kinase inhibitor profiling.

Figure 1. Integrated workflow of sample preparation/enrichment, data acquisition and

data processing for global kinase identification and drug inhibition profiling