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Isotopic analyses of wine has become a widespread tool to evaluate the quality,
authenticity and origin. This application note shows the ability and performance of the
analysis of ethanol with combustion and with a high temperature carbon reduction
technique in combination with a gas Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS).
The elemental analyser used was a Thermo Scientific
FlashEA1112 HT with a single
reactor system combining combustion and reduction in one reactor. Detection using a
Thermo Scientific
Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS).
C isotopes of ethanol can be measured easily and with low cost using standard
equipment and tin capsules for liquids. Precision is better than 0.1%. H and O isotopes
of ethanol can be measured simultaneously with high precision and with a high
throughput of up to 200 samples/day.
Read the full application note13
C and Simultaneous
O and
H Isotope Analysis
in Ethanol with Thermo Scientific DELTA V Isotope
Ratio Mass Spectrometers
Oliver Kracht, Andreas Hilkert, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany;
Tünde Racz-Fazakas, Chemical Institute of the Hungarian Customs and Finance Guard, Budapest, Hungary
Application Summary AN 30147
AB72110-EN 0816M-W4