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AB72110-EN 0816M-W6
Some metals can affect the quality of the wine, in particular zinc, copper and iron,
which can lead to haze formation in bottled wine. It is therefore recommended that
winemakers screen for these metals prior to bottling. In addition, due to the increased
use of copper sulfate as a fining agent, copper levels in wine are rising worldwide. It is
essential to ensure that levels are below the maximum recommended of 0.5 mg/L for
copper and 30 mg/L for iron and zinc that is stipulated by EU directive EC 606/2009.
The prescribed method of analysis is Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (FAAS).
A Thermo Scientific
3300 AA was used for the FAAS measurements of iron,
copper and zinc in different wine samples. The Thermo Scientific
contains pre-set spectrometer parameters for iron, copper and zinc and these were
used to measure the samples.
The iCE 3300 AA demonstrates an ideal solution for iron, copper and zinc
determination in wine samples following dilution. The optimization wizards within the
Thermo Scientific SOLAAR software make method development simple and ensure
optimum analytical conditions.
Read the full application noteIron, Copper and Zinc Determination in Wine
using Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
Dr Anastasia Gadzhieva, AA Applications Chemist, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Cambridge, UK
Application Summary AN 43189