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AB72110-EN 0816M-W2
The analysis of pesticide residues in red wine is challenging due to the complexity of
the matrix, which contains alcohol, organic acids, sugars, and polyphenols.
Sample preparation involves the extraction of pesticides from red wine using the
QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe) extraction method.
The samples then undergo cleanup by dispersive solid-phase extraction (dSPE) using
primary secondary amine (PSA) sorbent, which effectively retains organic acids,
sugars, and phenolic pigments.
A modified QuEChERS (AOAC version), extraction method was used along with
dispersive solid-phase extraction (dSPE). The purified extract was separated using the
Thermo Scientific
aQ 2.6µm 100 x 2.1mm HPLC column and Thermo
aQ Defender
2.6µm 10 x 2.1mm guard column to facilitate fast
and high efficiency separations on a Thermo Scientific
3000 LC
system. Detection was carried out on a Thermo Scientific
TSQ Vantage
mass spectrometer in ESI+ mode. Data processing was carried out using Thermo
Part Number
Mylar Pouch with 6g MgSO
and 1.5g Sodium Acetate
2mL Centrifuge Tube with 150mg MgSO
and 150mg PSA
17326-102130 Accucore aQ 2.6µm 100 x 2.1mm
17326-012105 Accucore aQ Defender Guard 10 x 2.1mm
A fast, easy and cost-effective method has been successfully developed using the
QuEChERS-based approach. The Accucore aQ HPLC columns gave good resolution
and peak shapes for all of the pesticides. Good linearity, low LOQs, and satisfactory
accuracy and precision data were obtained, indicating that this method is suitable for
pesticide residue analysis in red wine.
Read the full application noteDetermination of 24 Pesticide Residues in Red
Wine Using a QuEChERS Sample Preparation
Approach and LC-MS/MS Detection
Mike Oliver, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Runcorn, UK
Application Summary AN 20830