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AB72110-EN 0816M-W10
Acetaldehyde (ethanal, CH
CHO) is found in alcoholic beverages and many other
foods, like yogurts, that are produced by fermentation processes. Yeasts and bacteria
produce acetaldehyde as their metabolites. It is also naturally present in fruits like
apples. Acetaldehyde is produced when the human body breaks down ethanol.
Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2) is the major enzyme responsible for oxidizing
acetaldehyde into acetic acid. In 2009, the International Agency for Research on
Cancer (IARC) concluded that consuming acetaldehyde with alcohol is carcinogenic to
The objective of this study is to develop and validate a rapid enzymatic method based
on photometric UV determination for acetaldehyde and compare it with a liquid
chromatographic method.
A Thermo Scientific
20XT analyzer was used for the automated photometric
determination. The Thermo Scientific Gallery
and Gallery
Plus analyzers can also be
used for this test. The Thermo Scientific Acetaldehyde system kit was used for
enzymatic analysis of acetaldehyde.
20 Samples were analyzed during the method validation phase including wine, spirits,
beer, and cider.
The enzymatic method correlated very well with the liquid chromatography method as
shown in this study. Enzymatic determination of acetaldehyde provides a rapid,
user-friendly way of analyzing acetaldehyde from alcoholic beverages.
Read the full application noteAn Enzymatic Method for Acetaldehyde
Testing of Alcoholic Beverages
Silja Närkki,
Mari Klemm, Annu Suoniemi-Kähärä,
and Pekka Lehtonen
University of Helsinki, Department of Food and Environmental Sciences,
Division of Food Chemistry, Helsinki, Finland
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Vantaa, Finland,
Alko Inc., ACL, Helsinki, Finland
Application Summary AN 71653