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AB72110-EN 0816M-W3
The measurement of the
O ratio of water is one of the most important
applications of isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Authenticity control of wine demand a
general purpose analytical solution which can provide high precision, high accuracy
and high throughput analysis.
O isotopic analysis of wine has been a topic of
increasing interest, and is now the subject of EU regulation and other countries.
The Thermo Scientific
GasBench II Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS) was
used. Samples of wine were run on both the GasBench II and the HDO II water
equilibrator in a comparison study. The wine samples were analyzed directly, without
Successful analysis of natural waters, fruit juices, and wines shows that the
GasBench II IRMS can be used for isotope studies on a wide range of water-bearing
substrates. Measuring a suite of natural waters which included a much depleted
antarctic water establishes that the GasBench II IRMS has no memory, and that there
is no cross talk between samples as is so often the case for water preparation devices.
Read the full application noteIsotope Analysis of Water, Fruit Juice and Wine
Using the Thermo Scientific GasBench II IRMS
Andreas W. Hilkert, Hairigh Avak
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany
Application Summary AN 30048