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AB72110-EN 0816M-W12
During fermentation, glycerol is synthesized from the glucose within yeast cells.
Glycerol is the third most common chemical compound in wines and an important
by-product of alcoholic fermentation. The influence of glycerol in finished wine is
usually at or below the level of sensory perception. Wines with elevated levels of
alcohol tend to have more body and viscosity and a sweet taste which has often been
attributed to the presence of glycerol.
The Thermo Scientific
system reagent kit for determination of glycerol in wine was
used. Results were obtained using a Thermo Scientific
20XT analyzer and a
WineScan FT120 (FOSS). The Glycerol method has also been adapted for use with
the fully automated discrete Thermo Scientific Gallery
and Gallery
Plus analyzers.
The Thermo Scientific Glycerol test used with the Arena discrete analyzer is accurate
and repeatable both at high and low levels. The results correlate well with those
measured by the WineScan
and also with those analyzed according to the accredited
ALKO, Inc. enzymatic method.
Read the full application noteEvaluation of a Fully Automated Method for the
Measurement of Glycerol in Wine
Mari Kiviluoma,
Leena Kaski,
Annu Suoniemi-Kähärä,
Pekka Lehtonen
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Vantaa, Finland
Alcohol Control Laboratory, Alko Inc., Helsinki, Finland
Application Summary AN 71838