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AB72110-EN 0816M-W7
The natural level of trace elements in wine is typically nontoxic. Agricultural practice
however can change the composition of the trace element budget of the vineyard, for
example of Hg, Pb, Sn, and Zn. Elements such as Cu, Mn, and Zn are increased due
to use of fertilizers and pesticides. In addition, the acidity of wine and must (freshly
pressed grape juice) can dissolve Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn from wine making equipment like
pumps and taps. Due to these processes the concentration of heavy metals like As,
Cd, Hg and Pb can rise and reach toxic levels. Therefore, the quality of the wine has to
be determined not only for nutritional reasons but also for consumer safety.
For the sample analysis, the Thermo Scientific
7400 ICP-OES Duo was used
together with an aqueous sample introduction kit. A Teledyne CETAC ASX-560
autosampler was used to transfer the sample to the introduction system of the ICP-OES.
The Thermo Scientific
Intelligent Scientific Data Solution
(ISDS) software
was used for data acquisition.
The analysis shows that the Thermo Scientific iCAP 7000 Plus Series ICP-OES delivers
excellent accuracy and sensitivity for determination of nutrients and trace elements in
wines in conformity with the present recommendations for concentration limits. The
powerful software platform Qtegra ISDS simplifies method development and makes
post-processing of the sample data an easy operation.
Read the full application noteAnalysis of Trace Elements and Major
Components in Wine with the Thermo Scientific
Sanja Asendorf, Application Specialist, Bremen, Germany
Application Summary AN 43355