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AB72110-EN 0816M-W1
The catechin group of flavanols are major components in wine and are reported to
have antioxidant, antimicrobial, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic activities and
polyphenols contribute to the taste, appearance, and formation of unappetizing flavors.
This application note shows a fast and efficient sample preparation and gradient HPLC
method for determination of catechins and other polyphenols in red wine.
A solid phase extraction (SPE) procedure was established using Thermo Scientific
Retain PEP SPE cartridges. Separation was performed using a Thermo
PFP 2.6µm 100 x 2.1mm HPLC column on a Thermo Scientific
UHPLC system.
Part Number
HyperSep Retain PEP 200mg 3mL
17426-102130 Accucore PFP 2.6µm 100 x 2.1mm
An HPLC method for the analysis and quantitation of nine catechins and phenolic
acids from red wine was developed. Extraction of these polar analytes was achieved
on HyperSep Retain PEP material, and shows excellent recovery. The unique selectivity
offered by the Accucore PFP HPLC column provides exceptional separation
performance to resolve these very structurally similar compounds.
Read the full application noteDetermination of Catechins and Phenolic Acids
in Red Wine by Solid Phase Extraction and HPLC
Monica Dolci, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Runcorn, Cheshire, UK
Application Summary AN 20853