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The research method was applied as described in the

RECIPE ClinMass LC-MS/MS Complete Kit instructions,

with the exception of the loading flow rate, which is

described in the HPLC method.

Sample Preparation

As described in the kit instructions, 50 µL of each

calibrator and quality control was vortexed for 10 s in a

sample preparation tube with 50 µL of internal standards

solution. The sample was then centrifuged for 10 min at

10,000 rpm, and 20 µL of the supernatant was injected

into the LC-MS/MS system.

HPLC Method

The kit includes an online solid phase extraction (SPE)

column and an HPLC separation column that are

integrated in a valve system to operate by column

switching. A Transcend TLX-1 system was used to

perform this column switching. The plumbing diagram

is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Plumbing of the Transcend system to perform column

switching, with load (A) and inject (B) position, P1 is the loading

pump and P2 the elution pump

The RECIPE kit was used as described in the instructions

for this research purpose; however, the loading flow rate

was 2 mL/min instead of the 5 mL/min described in the

kit manual. This increased the time of analysis from

11 min to 12–15 min, but it did not impact the quality of

the obtained data. In the first step, the valves are in load

position (Figure 1A) where the sample is loaded onto the

SPE column for the extraction of the analytes from the

biological matrix. This step takes 1.9 min. In step two, the

valves are switched to the inject position (Figure 1B)

where the analytes extracted on the SPE column are eluted

to the HPLC column by backflushing with mobile phase

for 7.5 min. The analytes are then chromatographically

separated with a gradient. For the last step, the valves are

switched back to a loading position (Figure 1A) and both

columns are re-equilibrated for the next injection. This

step lasts 2.75 min.

MS Method

Mass spectrometric analysis was performed using a

TSQ Vantage triple-stage quadrupole mass spectrometer

equipped with an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization

(APCI) source. Source parameters are summarized in

Table 1. MS analysis was performed in positive-ion

selected-reaction monitoring (SRM) mode. The optimized

SRM parameters for all the analytes and internal standards

are presented in Table 2. The cycle time was set to 600 ms

with a data acquisition window of 4 min for each analyte.

Table 1. Optimized source parameters

Ion Source

APCI, Positive

Resolution Q1 and Q3

0.7 amu

Discharge Current

5.0 µA

Vaporizer Temperature

450 °C

Sheath Gas Pressure

30 au

Aux Gas Pressure

10 au

Capillary Temp

250 °C

Collision Pressure

1.5 mTorr

Results and Discussion

Calibration curves were plotted for each analyte with the

three calibrators provided in the kit. The regression model

for all the analytes was linear with different weighting

according to the analyte. The limits of quantification

(LOQ) were obtained by diluting the first calibrator with

blank serum either two times or five times (the blank

serum is the 0 calibrator solution). The LOQ were then

determined as the lowest concentration for which the

%RSD for 5 injections was less than 20% and the bias

was less than 20%. The weighting, internal standards,

correlation factor, and LOQ of the analytes are presented

in Table 3. Examples of chromatograms obtained at the

LOQ for some of the analyzed compounds are presented

in Figure 2. As can be seen in Table 3, good linearity was

obtained for all of the analytes in the concentration ranges

of the kit calibrators. A blank sample injected after the

upper limit of quantification (ULOQ) was used to

evaluate carryover. The carryover was less than 10% of

the signal obtained for the LOQ for all the analytes tested

with this kit.