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Mass Spectrometry

MS analysis was carried out using a Thermo Scientific

TSQ Quantum Ultra

triple-stage quadrupole mass

spectrometer equipped with a heated electrospray

ionization (HESI-II) probe. Two selected-reaction

monitoring (SRM) transitions were monitored for each

analyte and each deuterated internal standard to provide

ion ratio confirmations (IRC). Data acquisition and

processing were performed using Thermo Scientific




Standard calibration curves were prepared by fortifying

pooled blank human urine with analytes. Quality control

(QC) samples were prepared in a similar manner at low

(LQC), middle (MQC), and high (HQC) concentrations.

Intrarun variability and robustness were determined by

processing six replicates of each QC level along with a

calibration curve, as outlined in the Sample Preparation

section, on three different days. Matrix effects were

investigated by comparing peak areas of analyte at 10 ng/mL

and internal standard prepared in twelve different lots of

urine to those of a sample prepared in water.

Results and Discussion

MDPV, methylone, mephedrone, methedrone, ethylone,

and butylone were all linear from 1–1000 ng/mL. Figure 2

shows representative calibration curves for all compounds

tested. Figure 3 shows representative chromatograms at

1 ng/mL for all compounds. Interassay quality control

statistics shown in Table 1 demonstrate the method to be

reproducible across the calibration range for the above

compounds. Limited matrix effects were seen for the

above compounds. These effects were largely mediated by

deuterated internal standards. The absolute recoveries of

all cathinones tested in various lots of urine, compared to

a sample prepared in water, ranged from 85% to 132%.

Relative recoveries ranged from 107% to 124%. Precision

across all lots also improved when deuterated internal

standards were used. Table 2 shows average statistics for

all lots showing improvement in both precision and

accuracy when internal standards were used.

Figure 2. Representative calibrations curves for cathinones in urine

Y = 0.01095X + 0.000238; R


: 0.9938; Origin: Ignore; W:1/X 2; Area


Y = 0.009073X + 0.002694; R


: 0.9989; Origin: Ignore; W:1/X; Area

Y = 0.009522X + 0.003633; R


: 0.9996; Origin: Ignore; W:1/X; Area

Y = 0.01449X + 0.0005551; R


: 0.9997; Origin: Ignore; W:1/X; Area

Y = 0.007664X + -0.0003754; R


: 0.9871; Origin: Ignore; W:1/X 2; Area


Y = 0.008538X + 0.0008878; R


: 0.9994; Origin: Ignore; W:1/X; Area

Y = 0.01156X + -0.001161; R


: 0.9894; Origin: Ignore; W:1/X 2; Area
