Real-Time Qualitative and Quantitative Global Proteomics Profiling Using a Hybrid Data Acquisition Scheme
Demonstrate a more comprehensive data acquisition scheme for performing
global protein/peptide qualitative and quantitative analysis. Evaluate data acquisition
performance by comparing to previously published methods.
Data acquisition strategy based on HR/AM MS used for quantitative analysis
with looped narrow precursor DIA events for sequence confirmation. Utilize
consolidated spectral library information facilitating real-time data analysis to create a
targeted peptide list used for analysis across all technical replicates.
The pSMART acquisition method resulted in more peptides identified and
quantified than the standard DIA method with significantly fewer decoy matches
resulting in greater quantitation in much less time.
The trend in proteomics is to perform global qualitative and quantitative sample
analysis without targeted precursor inclusion lists or from MS-driven MS/MS
acquisition. The goal is to sample the greatest number of peptides across the gradient
enabling global determinations across biological samples which can then determine
subsequent targeted, high-throughput experiments. Data independent acquisition
(DIA) strategies have become common due to opportunity to archive and interrogate
data using any user-defined protein/peptide lists. To increase the sampling and
characterization capabilities for global qual/quan experiments, we utilize high
resolution/accurate mass (HR/AM) MS and narrow, asymmetric DIA windows as
opposed to only DIA data. The decoupling of data sets used for quantitative and
qualitative analysis increases quality of both sets. Success is predicated on leveraging
high resolution (>70,000 per precursor target) and high mass accuracy to increase
selectivity for robust MS quantitation. In addition, the acquisition strategy enables
product ion data quality to be significantly increased because only one high quality
product ion spectrum is needed for verification. The narrow precursor isolation using
high ion accumulation times and higher resolution settings have shown greater
sensitivity and selectivity compared to standard DIA data on the same samples.
Sample Preparation
All experiments were performed using a donor sample of human plasma collected
under IRB approved protocols and stored in an EDTA stabilized tube (Becton
Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ). A stock solution of human plasma was prepared
without depletion using standard trypsin digestion protocols following reduction and
alkylation. The concentration of the final stock solution was estimated to be 4 mg/µL,
divided into aliquots of 100 µL of 100 ng/µL and frozen until used. Before MS analysis,
the sample was spiked with Peptide Retention Time Calibration (PRTC) peptides
(Thermo Fisher Scientific, Rockford, IL) to a final concentration of 20 fmol on column.
A total of 1 µL was injected on column per experiment.
Liquid Chromatography
All chromatographic separation was performed using a Thermo Scientific
LC system with a binary solvent system of (A) 0.2% formic acid in water and(B)
0.2% formic acid in acetonitrile. Samples were loaded onto a 120 x 0.15 mm trapping
column packed with 5 µm PS-dvb particles (Polymer Labs) and the analytical
separation was performed using a 500 x 0.1 mm column packed with C18 Aq
(Bischoff). The samples were eluted from the column with a linear gradient from 5 to
45% B in 180 minutes prior to ramping to 90% B for column regeneration.
Mass Spectrometry
Thermo Scientific
Q Exactive
mass spectrometer was used for all experiments.
Two different experiments were performed, standard DIA and peptide-based.
Staggered MS and M/MS acquisition Across Retention Time (pSMART) for data
analysis. Standard DIA acquisition was performed using 25 Da precursor isolation
covering m/z 400-1200 in 32 scan events, 100 msec max ion fill times, 1e6 AGC
settings, and 35,000 resolution (@m/z 200). The pSMART acquisition settings for MS
was 5e6 AGC setting and 140,0000 resolution (@m/z 200) and DIA events were
independently acquired using 5 Da precursor isolation for a precursor range of m/z
400-800, 10 Da for m/z 800-1000, and 20 Da for m/z 1000-1200. Each narrow DIA
was acquired using 150 msec max ion fill times, 1e6 AGC settings, and 35,000
resolution (@m/z 200). A custom acquisition script was used to perform real-time data
analysis and recording from a global peptide lists.
To determine performance of th
of non-depleted human plasma
evaluation metrics was confide
matching, %CVs were used to
per method.
Data Analysis
Crystal spectral libraries were
identified and verified based o
years and contains 10,288 pep
and without modifications), rel
ion m/z values and average pr
perform real-time spectral mat
spectral library information res
Real-time identification was ba
mass errors, and cosine simila
distribution and spectral library
for all pSMART data and CS s
processed using two different
threshold of 0.7. Further scori
matches based on mass accur
was exported to the Pinpoint™
all technical replicates.
In addition to forward matching
subsequent data analysis. Th
decoy databases with the first
product ions. The two peptide
but precursor m/z value differe
extended the first by further sh
Decoy hits were scored using t
FIGURE 1. Schematic repre
consisting of HR/AM MS spe
(red lines)
and loop
qualitative peptide confirmat
dictates MS acquisition cycl
precursor isolation range, a
cycle time. The real-time dat
showing the predicted retent
Library, precursor XIC, and t
precursor XIC trace.
Full Scan MS1 cycle
Narrow DIA cycle
Isolated/Filtered Precursor Mass Range