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1. Krastins, B.; Prakash, A.; Sarracino, D. A.; Nedelkov,

D.; Niederkofler, E. E.; Kiernan, U. A.; Nelson, R.;

Vogelsang, M. S.; Vadali, G.; Garces, A.; Sutton, J. N.;

Petermant, S. M.; Byram, G.; Darbouret, B.; Perusse,

J. R.; Seidah, N. G.; Coulombe, B.; Gobom, J.; Portelius,

E.; Pannee, J.; Blennow, K.; Kulasingam, V.; Couchman,

L.; Moniz, C.; Lopez, M. F. Rapid development of

sensitive, high-throughput, quantitative and highly

selective mass spectrometric targeted immunoassays for

clinically important proteins in human plasma and


Clinical Biochemistry


, 46

(6), 399-410.

2. Niederkofler, E. E.; Phillips, D. A.; Nedelkov, D.;

Kiernan, U. A.; Krastins, B.; Peterman, S.; Garces, A.;

Lopez, M. F. A universal mass spectrometric

immunoassay (MSIA) model system based on human

insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1). In



, Scientific, T. F., Ed. 2013; Vol. 1001.

3. Oran, P. E.; Jarvis, J.W.; Borges, C.R.; Sherma, N. D.;

Nelson, R. W. Mass spectrometric immunoassay of

intact insulin and related variants for population

proteomcis studies.

Proteomics Clinical Applications


, 5

(7-8), 454-459.

4. Couchman, L.; Taylor, D. R.; Moniz, C. F.; Niederkofler,

E. E.; Ribar, A.; Antwi, K.; Kiernan, U. A.; Krastins, B.;

Peterman, S. MSIA insulin workflow for the

comprehensive identification and analysis of isobaric

insulins: a method for insulin mixture quantitation

using HR/AM and mulitplexed LC. Scientific, T. F., Ed.

2014; Vol. 0614.

5. Peterman, S. M.; Niederkofler, E. E.; Phillips, D. A.;

Krastins, B.; Kiernan, U. A.; Tubbs, K., A.; Nedelkov, D.;

Prakash, A.; Vogelsang, M. S.; Schroeder, T.; Couchman,

L.; Taylor, D. R.; Moniz, C. F.; Vadali, G.; Bryam, G.;

Lopez, M. F. An automated, high-throughput method

for targeted quantification of intact insulin and its

therapeutic analogs in human serum or plasma coupling

mass spectrometric immunoassay with high resolution

and accurate mass detection (MSIA-HR/AM).



, 14

(12), 1445-1456.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


An automated, high-throughput data processing workflow

for detection and targeted quantification of insulin and its

analogs at low levels in biological matrices was presented

for use in research applications.

Full-scan MS data could be analyzed due to the low noise

and selectivity of the MSIA extraction technology.

Co-eluting insulin analogs were easily separated and

identified based on the accurate


values of each

precursor charge state and corresponding isotopes.

Detection and quantification ranges were 1.5 to 960 pM

in a plasma matrix. Even at low analyte levels, the

quality of the quantitation was high. Linear regression

values for the method were all better than 0.98 using

a 1/x-weighting scheme. The average dot product

coefficients for the porcine insulin ISTD were consistently

above 0.97 at the 50 pM level. Though the lowest four

levels used in the study were 50–100 times lower than

previously published, %RSD values were acceptably low.

The HRAM data acquisition capabilities of the

Q Exactive mass spectrometer enabled streamlined

qualitative and quantitative data processing and reporting

using Pinpoint software. This approach enabled

quantification of HRAM MS data using the precursor

charge state distribution as well as the isotopic

distribution for evaluation of potential background

interference. By acquiring data in a nontargeted manner,

post-acquisition methods can be used to process the data

later for any insulin variant sequence or modification.

Data processing was performed in 30 minutes using a

single Pinpoint software workbook containing all of the

targeted insulin variants. To achieve robust quantitation,

the Pinpoint software data processing method used the

precursor charge state distribution and isotopic

distribution analysis for evaluation of potential

background interference. Pinpoint software capabilities,

such as color-coding capability and the Main Workbook,

which consolidates qualitative and quantitative tables and

graphs in an interactive display, facilitated data review.

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