The majority of biotherapeutic proteins
contain glycans. Glycans are sugars
which are attached to the biotherapeutic
compound i.e. they are glycosylated.
Glycans are crucial for the function of the
proteins and any changes or alterations,
however small, can impact the performance
and efficacy of the biotherapeutic.
Regulatory bodies therefore mandate that
full glycosylation characterization is carried
out to determine the full pattern and confirm
that the protein works as expected. As
glycans can exist in both a released form
and attached to the protein, multiple,
complex measurements
can be required.
Recommended Column
Thermo Scientific
GlycanPac ™ AXH-1 1.9 µm,2.1 × 150 mm column
Product code: 082472
• Full glycosylation pattern as mandated by
regulatory bodies
• Comprehensive Glycan profiling to confirm
effectiveness of the biotherapeutic
• Complete characterization of both attached
and released glycans by fluorescence and
MS detection
Sample Preparation
SOLAµ SPE Platesfor
increased sensitivity
Sample Handling
Virtuoso VialsThe highest level of sample
integrity and sample
information possible
GlycanPac AXH-1 ColumnsUHPLC
Vanquish UHPLC SystemsBuilt for every
biopharma workflow
Mass Spectrometry
Thermo Scientific
Q Exactive ™ Plus Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap ™ Mass SpectrometersQuantify, confirm and characterize
compounds in a single analysis