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of DDA and DIA allows for

he MS1 peaks for two different

tra for the top 4 transition ions

Given that these two peaks are

be difficult to confidently

tation without added MS/MS data

is the correct precursor for

ed in D.

The primary challenge to global protein characterization is attributed to data processing.

Reliance on spectral libraries not only helps to determine the peptide list used for post-

acquisition data processing, but also provides robust scoring metrics to significantly

decrease manual peak integration. Basic DIA events using 25 Da precursor isolation

windows result in greater numbers of nonsymmetrical, overlaid product ion XIC traces that

introduce errors in automated peak picking routines. By decoupling the HR/AM MS and 5

Da DIA data, each acquisition event can leverage high-resolution in both MS and DIA

spectra to reduce target ion signal from background. This decreases the need for manual

post-acquisition processing. In addition, by modeling sequencing strategies around DDA

events (


narrow precursor isolation and only one correctly matched product ion

spectrum needed for confident sequencing) the selectivity and sensitivity of each 5 Da DIA

window can be increased with longer maximum ion fill times and higher resolution settings

than previously reported for basic DIA experiments. This combination increases the

robustness of automated data processing and provides larger lists of differentially abundant

peptides that can be globally evaluated with ROC analyses for classification value. The

results of the ROC analysis can provide a starting point for translation to targeted, high-

throughput methods.

DA or DIA alone.

sitivity and selectivity, since the

qualitative and quantitative

tion of MS1 quantification due to

uired within the narrow windows.

peed and higher resolution

n Accurate Mass (HR/AM)

ble robust complex sample

ethods. Decoupling

the high-resolution capabilities

meter. The combination of data

ide determination and

ks that are chromatographically

topic distribution profiles. The

indow acquisitions allows for

ral matching of the specific 5 Da

ach peak, clearly identifies the

sed on the presence and



We have created a high quality murine heart tissue spectral library with over

5900 protein/19,900 peptide targets at FDR 1%.

Using the pSMART workflow, we can quantify at MS1 level with high confidence

in label-free discovery experiments using MS/MS spectra for confirmation of

each quantified precursor ion area.

The pSMART workflow coupled to HR/AM MS instrumentation provides

increased protein assignments with lower FDR compared to standard DDA and

DIA methods




1. Prakash, A., Peterman, S., Ahmad, S., Sarracino, D., Frewen, B., Vogelsang, M.,

Byram, G., Krastins, B., Vadali, G., Lopez, M. Hybrid data acquisition and

processing strategies with increased throughput and selectivity. Journal of

Proteome Research (submitted).

2. Egertson, J.D., Kuehn, A., Merrihew, G. E., Bateman, N. W., MacLean, B. X.,

Ting, Y. S.,Canterbury, J. D., Marsh, D. M., Kellmann, M., Zabrouskov, V., Wu, C.

C., MacCoss, M. J., Multiplexed MS/MS for improved data-independent

acquisition. Nature Methods, 2013. 10(8): p. 744-748.

3. Gillet, L.C., Navarro, P., Tate, S., Rost, H., Selevesk, N., Reiter, L., Bonner, R.,

Aebersold, R., Targeted data extraction of the MS/MS spectra generated by

data-independent acquisition: a new concept for consistent and accurate

proteome analysis. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 2012. 11: p. 1-17.