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Characterizing Qualitative and Quantitative Global Changes in the Aging Heart Using pSMART, a Novel Acquisition Method



We have completed a label-free quantitative global profiling and targeted

analysis of the cardiac proteome in aging mice using a novel data acquisition method,



The pSMART method was used to acquire qualitative and quantitative data

using one HR/AM MS and a series of narrow DIA mass windows. Initial

characterization experiments using unbiased DDA facilitated the building of a detailed

spectral library which was used for qualitative scoring for the DIA data.


Our pSMART strategy resulted in 30% more peptide identifications per run

than a standard DDA run. Additionally, using pSMART, we are able to confirm MS1

quantitation at low abundance levels with MS/MS for each peptide. This novel

acquisition enabled quantitation of previously identified peptides as well as novel

putative targets of aging. By identifying and quantifying more targets, we were able to

better characterize the dynamic proteomic changes of cardio-dysfunction in aging



The cardiovascular system undergoes significant changes as it ages. Aging is a

complex event that eventually leads to loss of function and abilities over time and has

been shown to cause multi-level changes in the heart, from the genomic-transcriptomic

level to the cellular-tissue level. These pathological changes in the heart can be

followed at the proteomic level.

In this study we introduce a complete workflow that enables label-free quantification of

age-related proteomic changes in murine heart tissue.


Sample Preparation

Heart tissue was isolated and homogenized from young (2 months old) and old (2

years old) C57BL/6 mice. Each heart was normalized by weight, homogenized in 8M

GuHCl, 250 mM Tris, pH 8.5, using a FastPrep 120. The supernatant was then

reduced, alkylated and digested with sequencing grade Thermo Scientific




trypsin kit overnight. A portion of each of the digested samples was then separated by

high pH reverse-phase fractionation into 16 equal fractions. These fractions were used

to create the spectral library. Each sample was spiked with Peptide Retention Time

Calibration Mixture (PRTC) (Thermo Fisher Scientific Pierce) prior to mass

spectrometry analysis.

Mass Spectrometry and Data Analysis

All samples were analyzed on a Thermo Scientific™

Orbitrap Fusion




spectrometer equipped with a Thermo Scientific™

Nanospray Flex


Ion Source. Data

were acquired in two steps to simulate traditional workflows. Initial experiments

employed unbiased data-dependent MS/MS acquisition (DDA) for each of the

fractionated samples to build the spectral library. Each non-fractionated heart sample

was also run with unbiased DDA as well as with our novel pSMART data acquisition

method (Figure 1). Each non-fractionated heart sample was run in triplicate.

Thermo Scientific™ Proteome Discoverer™ version 1.4 and Thermo Scientific™

Pinpoint™ version 1.4 software packages were used to analyze both the qualitative

and quantitative data. The spectral library resulting from initial fractionated sample runs

was used to create reference information to perform confirmation on all peptide targets.

FIGURE1. pSMART data ac

mass (HR/AM) MS and 5 Da

consists of two independen

acquisition in between eac

quantitative (fullscan MS) a

most sensitive global quant

acquisition cycle times ass

precursor m/z values under


FIGURE2. Biomarker discov

step process consisting of

initial, unbiased characteriza

to create the spectral library

Global quantitation is perfor

Pinpoint. The list of peptide

product ion information are r
