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Thermo Scienti c Poster Note

PN ASMS13_W457_DSarracino_E 07/13S

ins for sepsis in an

in vitro

toxic ligands secreted by

alkylated, digested with trypsin.

atography-tandem mass

entified by Thermo Scientific™

Thermo Scientific™ Pinpoint™

levant kinase and pathway


polysaccharides (LPS), are

protein profiling of mononuclear

the protein dynamic range

e responsive to many immune

er discovery experiments.

directly in tubes used for the

r changes in either secreted

n changes in the PBMC cell


, we chose the corresponding

cific Toll like receptor 4(TLR4) in

innate immune response

ts that are either proteolytic

e large number of human

ations (PTM) represent a

ffect, the simplest sample

ble results.

ted into BD Vacutainer™ CPT

e with IRB approval. Buffers

lood collection tubes using a

00 µL of phosphate buffered

lated tubes. LPS-EB Toll Like

ded to a concentration of

le blood.


In order to allow the detection of diff

instrumentation should provide eno

simultaneously providing MS/MS fra

peptides as possible. In this experi

confidence containing >250 phosph

oxidations (other than methionine) t

Pinpoint software has the advantag

library import. In this example, all ki

analysis. Once selected, proteins th

verified using Pinpoint software (Fig

specific proteins of interest (Figure

(Figure9) MAPKKK 15, can be sele

After incubation at 37 ºC for 30 min the cells were isolated according to the

manufacturerʼs instructions for a total exposure time of 60 min. Rinsed cell pellets

(~2 mg) were denatured in 350 µL of 8M Urea 300 mM Tris-HCl 2.5% n-propanol

10 mM Dithiothreitol, reduced/alkylated, diluted to 2 mL with 50 mM Tris, 5 mM CaCl2

and digested overnight with 20 µg of Pierce Trypsin Protease, MS Grade.

Liquid Chromatography

Peptide retention time standards were added and the samples were loaded into 96-well

plates onto a Thermo Scientific™ EASY-nLC™ 1000. Separations were done on a

Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ PS-DVB trap column, (5 µm particle, 300Å pore, 150 µm

x 12 cm) connected in a “vented t” configuration to a 5 µm particle, 200Å pore C18AQ

100 µm x 50 cm packed tip resolving column in a Thermo Scientific™ Nanospray

Flex™ Ion Source on a hybrid Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Velos Pro™ MS. Stepped

Flow and gradient from 4-50%B at 650 nL/min over 205 min. Buffer A is 2% Methanol

0.2% formic acid, water(v/v). Buffer B is 10% water, 10% isopropanol, 80% acetonitrile

0.2% formic acid (v/v), all solvents are Thermo Scientific™ Optima™ LC-MS grade.

Portions of each of the TLR4 digests (Low and High stim) pooled for library creation

were fractionated into 12 fractions of 1.8 ml, on a 4.6 mm x 25 cm PS-DVB column

8 µm particle 300A pore, buffer A: 100 mM ammonium formate, 58 mM ammonium

hydroxide, Buffer B: 29 mM ammonium hydroxide in 91% acetonitrile 9% water (v/v),

using a flow rate of 1 mL/min in a gradient to 45% B (Figure 2).

Mass Spectrometry

For mass spectrometric analysis, a data-dependent top 25 method has been used .

Full MS scans acquired at a resolution of 100,000 using a 1e6 target value, with

dependent scans analyzed in the linear ion trap with normal scan resolution.

Uncharacterized charge states and + 1 charge states are rejected. Chromatography

phase triggering with monoisotopic fitting was used with a peak width of 40 s and a

minimum peak threshold of 3.5e4. The maximum inject time allowed for MS/MS scans

was set to 100 ms. Dynamic exclusion is turned on using a peak width of 60 s.

Data Analysis

Full-scan comparisons were made using Pinpoint software, and MS/MS spectra were

processed by Proteome Discoverer software using The Mascot® search engine. Two

different peptide identification strategies were used. The simple search method (Figure

3) only searches for high-confidence, tryptic peptides and phosphopeptides. The more

complex search strategy (Figure 4), breaks the PTM search strategy into multiple

nodes, where small groups of PTMs, likely to occur on the same peptide, are searched

in each node. This allows for higher-confidence assignments due to the reduced size

of each database, albeit at an increased search computational time. Pathway

information was processed using Thermo Scientific™ ProteinCenter™ software (not

shown). Pinpoint software allows for the import of spectral libraries which can be

obtained from data from both unfractionated and fractionated samples provided the

chromatography in all samples is reproducible and retention times are consistent.

FIGURE 4. Search workflow for m

into groups of most likely to occ

computationally intensive and w

analyzed MS2. Many modification

deamidations, semi-tryptic, and d

other search engines without co

FIGURE 5. Results from different

then be brought into Pinpoint sof

FIGURE 2. High pH reverse

phase fractionation for library

peptide fractionation

FIGURE 3. Search

workflow for protein
