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Enrichment of EGFR/PI3K/AKT/PTEN Proteins for Research using Immunoprecipitation and with Mass Spectrometry-based Analysis



Identification and quantification of EGFR/PI3K/AKT/PTEN proteins for

research using an optimized immunoprecipitation to mass spectrometry (IP-MS)



We evaluated immunoprecipitation with directly coupled antibodies or

biotinylated antibodies with immobilized streptavidin resin. EGFR, PI3K, AKT isoforms

and PTEN were enriched from two cell lysates using an optimized IP to MS workflow. A

multiplex, targeted selected reaction monitoring (SRM)-based MS research method

was developed to measure the limit of quantitation (LLOQ) of EGFR, AKT2, AKT1,

PTEN, PIK3CA and PIK3R1 tryptic peptides. Multiple targets (EGFR, AKT isoforms,

PTEN) were immunoprecipitated simultaneously and quantified by targeted SRM



Immunoprecipitation using magnetic beads resulted in overall higher yield of

target protein and less non-specific binding than agarose beads for MS research

applications. Enrichment of EGFR, AKT2, AKT1 and PTEN from two cell lysates

enabled MS detection and quantitation. Enrichment of as low as 7ng recombinant

EGFR in human plasma matrix allowed absolute quantitation by LC-SRM. Multiplexed

target immunoprecipitation resulted in simultaneous identification and quantitation by



A major bottleneck in the verification of protein biomarkers in clinical research is the

lack of methods/reagents to quantify medium to low levels of proteins of interest in

human samples. Immunoprecipitation (IP) and mass spectrometry (MS) are

complementary techniques that permit sensitive and selective characterization and

quantitation of low abundance protein analytes in cell lines, tissue, and biofluids. IP

provides both enrichment and high selectivity while the MS provides high selectivity,

sensitivity, and multiplexing across a range of analyte concentrations in different

matrices. The quantitative evaluation of protein expression and PTM status of EGFR-

PI3K-AKT signaling pathway proteins enables the precise characterization of the



Sample Preparation

EGFR from A431 lysate was immunoprecipitated by direct IP methods (Hydrazide

activated polyacrylamide bead, Aldehyde activated agarose bead, NHS-Ester activated

magnetic bead, and Epoxy activated magnetic bead) and indirect IP methods (Streptavidin

coated polyacrylamide

bead and Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™

Streptavidin magnetic

bead). IP eluted samples were evaluated by western blot and in-solution trypsin digestion

followed by MS analysis. IP conditions were optimized for enrichment of medium to low

abundant targets (EGFR, AKT isoforms, PTEN and PIK3CA) for MS applications. Multiplex

IP was performed to enrich EGFR, AKT isoforms and PTEN targets simultaneously from

HEK293 lysate with biotinylated antibodies and with Pierce Streptavidin coated magnetic


Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry

IP eluates were reconstituted in 6M Urea, 50mM Tris-HCl pH 8 followed by reduction,

alkylation and trypsin digestion overnight. Prior to MS analysis, tryptic digest samples were

desalted using the Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ C18 Spin Tips. For discovery MS, the

samples were analyzed by LC-MS/MS using a nanoLC system at 300 nL/min over a 45

min gradient and Thermo Scientific™


XL ™ mass spectrometer (DDA, Top 6,

CID). For targeted MS, the samples were analyzed by LC-SRM/MS with the Thermo

Scientific ™ TSQ Vantage ™ mass spectrometer and Thermo Scientific™ Easy

nanoLC II


Data Analysis

Discovery MS data were analyzed with Thermo Scientific™ Proteome Discoverer™ 1.4

and Scaffold 4.0 software to assess percent sequence coverage, spectral counts and

PTMs. For targeted LC-

SRM/MS data analysis, Thermo Scientific ™ Pinpoint™ and



were used to measure limit of quantitation (LOQ ) and target analyte


FIGURE 1. Enrichment is necessary for medium to low abundant proteins.


Benefits of Magnetic Beads

Lower background: Minimal

High signal to noise: Easy a

chance of losing sample

Easy handling: Easy separa

Time and effort: Less washi

Better reproducibility: Produ

Ab savings: All binding on o

Automation: Improves throu

FIGURE 3. Evaluation of EG

EGFR immunoprecipitation w

biotinylated antibody with im

determined by Western blot.

were determined by LC-MS/

beads resulted in fewer back


FIGURE 2. Experimental wo

Protein targets are immune-e

Western blot after gel electro

analyzed by nLC-MS/MS to i

labeled, quantitative peptide

research methods for absolut

Anti-EGFR Western

P: Polyacrylamide, A: Ag

M: Magnetic

+ Anti-EGFR; - Rabbit