AN62924_E 12/08S
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Mass Spectrometers are general purpose laboratory instruments. They have not been cleared or approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration,
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Software Automates Reporting, Reduces
Manual Analysis
ToxID software identifies compounds present in the
sample based on MS/MS spectra and retention times.
Positive hits are automatically reported via ToxID
software. Reports are automatically generated, reducing
the time necessary for manual analysis of each sample
chromatogram. An example of a Summary Report is
shown in Figure 3. A Long Report with one page per
detected compound is shown in Figure 4.
Adding New Compounds to the Application
This LC-MS/MS workflow allows the user to quickly and
easily add new analytes to the screening method. This
feature is very important for toxicology screening because
new target compounds are continually being added to the
target list. As shown in Table 5, new compounds can
typically be added in less than 1 hour.
The comprehensive, turn-key toxicology screening
methodology described in this application note utilizes an
LXQ ion trap, and includes an SPE procedure and LC
method that enables the identification of 275 compounds
in human urine and human plasma. Accompanying ToxID
software performs automatic data analysis and reporting.
This eliminates the need for manual data interpretation
and increases confidence in compound identification. It is
worth noting that when compared to other screening
methods, the LC-MS/MS screening methodology identifies
more analytes.