Analyses were then processed with TraceFinder
software using the Target Screening option (Figure 4),
which allows the identification of target compounds
present in the sample. Data obtained are highly specific
and reliable because the identification of compounds is
based on three parameters: retention time of the molecule,
SRM transition, and MS/MS spectra.
Figure 5 shows an example of a summary report
generated by TraceFinder software after the analysis of a
urine sample that tested positive for cocaine. In addition
to cocaine,
in vivo
metabolites such as benzoylecgonine,
ecgonine methyl ester, and cocaethylene were also
identified. The same sample was found positive for
methadone – its metabolite, EDDP, was also identified.
Figure 4. Selection of the Target Screening option in the configuration panel of TraceFinder software and settings used
Figure 5: TraceFinder Target Screening Short Report showing ion chromatograms and a list of compounds
detected in urine positive for cocaine and methadone