HyperSep SPE Phases
HyperSep Retain PEP
Polystyrene divinylbenzene material surface modified with
urea groups
Surface area 550 to 750m
Particle size 40 to 60µm
Pore size 55 to 90Å
A versatile polymeric material for the retention of polar and non-polar
analytes ideal for applications such as drugs and metabolites in
biological matrices, environmental samples and desalting of peptides
in serum, plasma or biological fluids.
Mixed-Mode Phases
Two functional groups
Non-polar and ion exchange
Hydrophobic and ionic retention
Ideal for samples with complex structures
HyperSep Retain-CX
Versatile polymeric material for retention of basic compounds
Surface area 550 to 750m
Particle size 40 to 60µm
Pore size 55 to 90Å
Retain-CX is a versatile polymeric material for the enhanced retention
of basic compounds. Typical application areas include the analysis of a
wide range of drugs of abuse from biological matrices.
HyperSep Retain-AX
Versatile polymeric material for retention of acidic compounds
Surface area 550 to 750m
Particle size 40 to 60µm
Pore size 55 to 90Å
Retain-AX is a versatile polymeric material for the enhanced retention
of acidic compounds. Typical application areas include the analysis of a
range of acidic drugs of abuse from biological matrices, such as THC
and its metabolites.
HyperSep Hypercarb
Unique material for retention of highly polar compounds
100% porous graphitic carbon material
Retention of extremely polar compounds
Retention properties allow low bed weights
Provides total pH stability and the retention and separation of highly
polar species. It is ideal for problem analytes in SPE applications.
Reversed Phase Non-polar (Hydrophobic) Phases
Non-polar-non-polar interactions
Van der Waals or dispersive forces
Reversed Phase Hydrophobic Phases
Non-polar-non-polar interactions
Van der Waals or dispersion force
HyperSep C18
Highly retentive alkyl-bonded silica phase for non-polar to
moderately polar compounds
Surface area 470 to 530m
Particle size 40 to 60µm
Pore size 60Å
A silica-based material for applications such as drugs and their
metabolites in biological matrices, trace organics in environmental
water samples and toxins in food samples.
HyperSep C8
Less retentive alternative to C18 for non-polar to moderately
polar compounds
Surface area 470 to 530m
Particle size 40 to 60µm
Pore size 60Å
A silica-based material for applications such as drugs and their
metabolites in biological matrices, trace organics in environmental
water samples, and toxins in food samples. C8 is used for hydrophobic
compounds which tend to be retentive on C18 columns.
HyperSep Phenyl
Alternative selectivity for retention of basic compounds
Surface area 470 to 530m
Particle size 40 to 60µm
Pore size 60Å
Phenyl is a silica-based material which offers alternative selectivity for
aromatic compounds due to the presence of the benzene ring within the
structure. Typical applications include benzodiazepines in biological
matrices and extraction of aromatic compounds.
Reversed Phase
Silica Phases