Opiates in Urine – Oxime TMS Procedure for GC or GC/MS Confirmations
Using 200mg 10mL HyperSep Verify-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60108-742)
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Opiates in Urine – Propyl Derivatives for GC or GC/MS Confirmations
Using 200mg 10mL HyperSep Verify-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60108-742)
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Free (Unbound) Opiates in Blood, Plasma/Serum and Tissue for GC or GC/MS Confirmations
Using 200mg 10mL HyperSep Verify-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60108-742)
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Paroxetine in Urine, Blood and Plasma/Serum for LC/MS/MS Confirmations
Using 200mg 10mL HyperSep Verify-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60108-742)
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Phencyclidine in Urine
Using 30mg 3mL HyperSep Retain-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60107-302)
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Phencyclidine in Urine, Blood, Plasma/Serum and Tissue for GC or GC/MS Confirmations
Using 200mg 10mL HyperSep Verify-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60108-742)
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Phencyclidine in Urine, Blood and Plasma/Serum for LC/MS Confirmations
Using 200mg 10mL HyperSep Verify-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60108-742)
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Propoxyphene in Urine, Blood, Plasma/Serum and Tissue for GC or GC/MS Confirmations
Using 200mg 10mL HyperSep Verify-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60108-742)
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Propoxyphene and Norpropoxyphene in Urine, Blood, Plasma/Serum and Tissue for LC/MS/MS Confirmations
Using 200mg 10mL HyperSep Verify-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60108-742)
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Psilocin in Urine for GC or GC/MS Confirmations
Using 200mg 10mL HyperSep Verify-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60108-742)
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Quetiapine in Urine, Blood, Plasma/Serum and Tissue for LC/PDA Confirmations
Using 200mg 10mL HyperSep Verify-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60108-742)
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Screening in Whole Blood (Manual Method for Immunoassay)
Using 200mg 10mL HyperSep Verify-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60108-742)
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Sertraline and Desmethylsertraline in Serum, Plasma or Whole Blood for HPLC Analysis
Using 200mg 10mL HyperSep Verify-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60108-742)
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Free and Conjugated Silocin in Urine
Using 200mg 10mL HyperSep Verify-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60108-742)
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Sympathomimetic Amines in Urine, Blood, Plasma/Serum and Tissue for GC or GC/MS Confirmations
Using 200mg 10mL HyperSep Verify-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60108-742)
Alternative Drying Procedure – Fluoroacylate PFPA (PFAA) Derivative ............................................................... 118
Alternative Drying Procedure – Form TMS Derivative ......................................................................................... 119
Alternative Drying Procedure – Form 4-CB (4-Carbethoxyhexafluorobutyl chloride) Derivative .............................. 120
Tear Gas, Extraction of Chloroacetophenone (CS), O-chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile
(CN) and Trans-8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide (OC) from Cloth for GC/MS
Using 200mg 10mL HyperSep Verify-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60108-742)
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Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in Oral Fluid for GC/MS Confirmation
Using 200mg 10mL HyperSep Verify-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60108-742)
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Using 50mg 1mL HyperSep Verify-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60108-741)
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THC in Oral Fluid
Using 60mg 6mL HyperSep Retain-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60107-308)
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Therapeutic and Abused Drugs in Urine, Blood, Plasma/Serum for Acid/Neutral and
Basic Drugs for GC or GC/MS Confirmations
Using 200mg 10mL HyperSep Verify-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60108-742)
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Tricyclic Antidepressants in Serum or Plasma for HPLC Analysis
Using 200mg 10mL HyperSep Verify-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60108-742)
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents