American Home Products
Apple Inc.
CTC Analytics AG
CTC Analytics
E.I. Dupont De Nemours
and Company
Corian, Teflon
The following brands, trademarks or service marks are the property
of the listed company and/or its subsidiaries. Every effort has been
taken to ensure this list is accurate at the time of printing this catalog.
Trademark Information
The Thermo Scientific name, the Thermo Scientific logo and the
following trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
and/or its subsidiaries:
Hypersil GOLD
Upjohn Company
Halcion, Xanax
U.S. Silica Company
Varian, Inc.
Varian 8400
Hoffmann LaRoche, Inc.
Klonopin, Valium, Versed
ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Sandoz, Inc.
Ordering Information
Food Safety
Table of Contents
Determination of Beta Agonist Drugs Residue in Animal Tissues
Using 150mg 6mL HyperSep Retain-CX (Part Number: 60107-311)
............................................................................... 125
Multiresidue Analysis in Cereal Grains for LC/MS/MS or GC/MS
Using QuEChERS Methodology (Part Number: 60105-211 and 60105-220)
..................................................................... 125
Cyanuric Acid and Melamine in Food Materials Multiresidue Analysis in Cereal Grains for LC/MS/MS or GC/MS
Using 200mg 6mL HyperSep Verify-CX and HyperSep Retain-AX Extraction Columns
(Part Number: 60108-722 and 60107-412)
............................................................................................................... 126
Determination of Melamine in Egg
Using 60mg 3mL HyperSep Retain-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60107-303)
....................................................... 127
Melamine in Animal Feed
Using 60mg 3mL HyperSep Retain-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60107-303)
....................................................... 127
Melamine in Food Materials
Using 200mg 3mL HyperSep Retain-CX (Part Number: 60107-304)
............................................................................... 128
Melamine in Milk Products
Using 60mg 3mL HyperSep Retain-CX Extraction Column (Part Number: 60107-303)
....................................................... 128
Determination of Nitrofurans in Milk
Using 60mg 3mL HyperSep Retain-PEP (Part Number: 60107-203)
............................................................................... 129
Determination of Nitroimidazole Drugs and Metabolites in Royal Jelly
Using 60mg 3mL HyperSep Retain-CX (Part Number: 60107-303)
................................................................................. 129
Extraction of Pesticides From Pigmented Fruit or Vegetables
Using QuEChERS Methodology (Part Number: 60105-216, 60105-218 and 60105-221)
..................................................... 130
Determination of Quinolone Residues in Honey
Using 60mg 3mL HyperSep Retain-CX (Part Number: 60107-303)
................................................................................. 130
Trichothecene Analysis (A and B) In Wheat and Corn
Using QuEChERS Methodology (Part Number: 60105-211and 60105-219)
...................................................................... 131
Pesticide Analysis in Wine
Using QuEChERS Methodology (Part Number: 60105-205 and 60105-211)
..................................................................... 132
Thermo Scientific HyperSep Columns – Ordering Information .................................................................................... 133