Thermo Scientific Poster Note
to be acquired across the elution profile. This is shown in Figure 2.
FIGURE 1. Strategy for large-scale targeted quantification based on high IQ
data acquisition scheme
LC-MS characterization using the PRTC
to determine:
Scheduled retention time windows
Average chromatographic peak widths
Determine targeted
protein list:
Discovery experiments
Pathway determination
Functional groups
Build targeted acquisition methods from
spectral libraries:
Proteotypic peptides
Optimal precursor and product ion
Ion distribution/relative abundance
Retention time windows
Determine targeted
protein list:
Discovery experiments
Pathway determination
Functional groups
State-model data acquisition:
Real-time data interrogation
Target peptide prioritization
On-the-fly data processing
Perform relative/absolute
quantification across technical or
biological replicates
Highly multiplexed
refinement prior to
straightforward ba
and corresponding
and quantitate the
and acquisition win
achieve robust qua
development, we h
analytically rigorou
contains both LC a
methods requiring
To first test our met
PTRC kit). Spectra
performed on the q
ion collection and
perform state-mod
shows the CV distr
area of top eight pr
K562 Cell Line
2,100 proteins wer
algorithm. The alg
peptides and creat
qualitative and qua
range digest was c
Figure 4 shows an
full-scan MS1 (pan
and zoom-in, pane