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A Novel On-Line Sample Cleanup and Liquid Chromatography Platform for LC/MS Analysis in the Clinical Research Laboratory

RE 3. Peak Area %RSDs

sma spiked with our test mix was

trifuged. To test the reproducibility

ran a batch of 500 injections of the

e peak retention times and areas for

n Figure 2. Without the benefit of

k area RSDs were below 9%

Inter-System Testing was Acceptable

While performance and ruggedness of any

single LC-MS system is essential, inter-

system performance is equally important.

The typical workflow from Development to

Production of a new method relies on inter-

system ruggedness and reproducibility. For

this reason, data from three prototype

SPLC systems were gathered over the

course of 5 months of testing and retention

time performance across the three systems

were analyzed. Reproducibility of retention

times for each of the four test compounds

generated from both channels of the three

systems is summarized in Figure 7. The

percent coefficient of variation (%CV)

values were calculated from A random

selection of 9 data points for each


A Purpose-Built Method clearly showed System Performance

Knowing that a rigorous LC-MS method with stringent data criteria would be the best

test of the Prelude SPLC system, a method that tests for common problems with

chromatographic separations was devised. The Suitability test has four compounds

the first, Atenolol, the earliest eluter, is used to help elucidate problems that might exist

with the refocusing of analytes on the analytical column. Retention time and peak

shape differences in Warfarin and Lidocaine peaks will help detect any problems that

may exist with gradient formation and/or column deterioration


as their RT shifts with

compositional mobile phase differences. Imipramine is highly susceptible to

degradation in peak shape if the mobile phases are not fresh or made precisely as

prescribed by the method. In concert, the test mix serves as powerful diagnostic tool.

The installation protocol for Prelude SPLC systems requires all four compounds to

pass 20 injections (10 per channel) with RSD or CV of 10% or less with no internal

standard correction for retention times and peak areas. Figure 8 shows typical


unds over 34 hrs of run time

rs & Peak Overlay at injections

1,100, 200, 3 and 500

FIGURE 8. System Suitability run of both channels of the Prelude SPLC System


s to the removal of matrix effect and

ions and its impact on the aging of

nt. For that reason retention time

were evaluated for the same data

, pressure traces and peak shapes

on 34-hour batch.

System was Suitable for well-

In order to asses the scope of a

MS methods used in clinical res

management drugs, immunosu

developed and evaluated. We

and intra-day reproducibility, lo

compared to other platforms, a

for more details on some of the

for the Vitamin D compounds -

times while achieving the desir

Even for Immunosuppressan

Measuring Everolimus, Sirolimu

samples presents many challen

analyte and internal standard b

system’s ability to handle such

and MassCheck® whole blood

(Alsachim, Illkirch-Graffenstade

A and Tacrolimus-





Everolimus, Sirolimus and Tacr

compounds were less than 12

30 days from three systems in

are shown in Figure 9.





FIGURE 7. Retention Time %CVs from 3

different prototype systems.

FIGURE 9. Quantitative Resul