Salbutamol in Solution
Using 60mg 3mL HyperSep Retain-CX Extraction Column
(Part Number: 60107-303)
Sample Preparation
Prepare a 10ppm solution of salbutamol in 20mM
ammonium acetate
Condition Retain-CX Extraction Column
2mL of methanol
2mL of DI H
2mL of 30mM HCl
Apply Sample
Load 1mL samples
Wash Column
1mL of methanol
1mL of DI water
Elute Salbutamol
1mL of methanol with 4% ammonia
Mobile phase:
methanol:phosphoricacid (40:60, v/v)
Flow: 1mL/minute
Temperature: 30°C
Detection: UV 244nm
Recommended HPLC Column
Part Number
Hypersil GOLD aQ 5µm, 250 x 4.6mm
Propranolol in Rat Serum
Using 60mg 3mL HyperSep Retain PEP Extraction Column
(Part Number: 60107-203)
Sample Preparation
Mix 10mL of Propranolol aqueous solution (100mg/L)
and 30mL of rat serum in to a 100mL vessel
Dilute to 100mL with 0.5% ammonia solution to give a
10ppm solution
Condition Retain PEP Extraction Column
2mL of methanol
2mL of DI H
Apply Sample
Load 2mL samples
Wash Column
2mL of 0.5% ammonia solution containing 5% methanol
Elute Propranolol
2mL of 1% acetic acid in methanol
Dry Eluate and Reconstitute
Evaporate to full dryness at room temperature under a
stream of nitrogen
Reconstitute the sample to 1mL with
ACN:20mmolsodium acetate (pH 4) (30:70, v/v)
Mobile phase:
ACN:20mmolsodium acetate (pH 4)
(40:60, v/v)
Flow: 1.0mL/minute
Injection: 10µL
Temperature: 30°C
Detection: UV 290nm
Recommended HPLC Column
Part Number
Hypersil GOLD 5µm, 250 x 4.6mm