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Versatile Solutions to Current Demands for Automated Sample Cleanup, High Throughput, and High-Resolution Chromatography on a Single LC-MS Platform



Use two case studies to demonstrate the versatility of an LC-MS platform for

research: high-throughput, online sample cleanup capabilities in a multi-channel


l d t

hi h l ti


(HRAM) h b id


Sample Preparation

Case Study #1: Four stand

sys em coup e o a g -reso u on, accura e-mass

y r

quadrupole-Orbitrap™ mass spectrometer (MS).


Case Study #1:

efavirenz, and zidovudine)

crashed plasma, water-dilut

acetonitrile-water neat mix.

1000 ng/mL. Warfarin was a

positive- or negative-ionizin

An LC/MS accurate-mass screen of antiretrovirals (ARVs) in biological matrix for

research was examined using online sample cleanup. In a high-throughput workflow

configuration, standards in several biological matrices were injected across two LC

channels (each with distinct sample extraction columns) in a cross-sequential manner

to one at-source guard column.

Case Study #2: A 100 ng/m

UHPLC columns, and mobil


Liquid Chromatography

Case Study #2:

One LC/MS research method for analysis of four major sulfatide molecular species in

an organic standard was optimized for demonstration of two discrete high-throughput

data acquisition styles. Four LC channels, each with distinct HPLC columns, were used

d i j ti

d i b th

h l


ti l


The multi-channel LC used i

Transcend™ II LX-4 configu

UltiMate™ 3000 Binary Rapi

interface module), and a CT

Zwingen, Switzerland). In b

an n ec ons were ma e n o a cross-c anne an a cross-sequen a manner o

the HRAM-MS.


Case Study #1:

waste, except during the dat

flow rates and, therefore, fa

Case Study #1: In a high-thr

with distinct TurboFlow sam

C18 guard column The LC

A 100 s LC/MS method for ARVs in human biological matrices with online sample

cleanup and chromatographic resolution were acquired within a data window of 30 s

using a multi-channel LC system. Four standard curve matrices were investigated. All

four curves gave linearity between R


= 0.96 and 0.99.

Case Study #2:


detector bypass position allo

TurboFlow technology.



across two channels of the

MX software version 2.1. Fi

of a neat standard with thre

Through the two discrete high-throughput acquisition styles examined


the percent

RSDs of each analyte across multiple injections of the organic standard were

maintained at less than 5.8%.

I t d ti

Case Study #2: The sulfatid

injections (10 µL) of the nea

50 mm, 1.7 µm) heated to 6

sequential manner and were

n ro uc on

Investigative demands in both clinical research and pharmaceutical laboratories

necessitate the use of simpler and faster LC/MS technologies. Market response to

these demands has produced high-throughput technologies that can perform online



f ll

d b

t l

l i Th h t


ARVs LC Method Details

TABLE 1. LC method detai

samp e c eanup o owe y mass spec ra ana ys s. ese c roma ograp c

capabilities, however, can be limiting and their results inconsistent.

Here we present two case studies highlighting the versatility of a single multichannel

LC-MS platform as both a research and a pharmaceutical production tool. A multi-

channel LC provides the ability to make staggered injections through multiple LC

LC Method Length

Data Window

TurboFlow Columns

channels while utilizing a single MS, thus increasing sample throughput (Figure 1). This

platform also has the capacity to perform online sample cleanup utilizing Thermo

Scientific™ TurboFlow


technology along with either baseline-resolved UHPLC

chromatography or resolution based solely on accurate mass, all in a rugged high-

throughput workflow.

Analytical Column

Loading Mobile Phase

Eluting Mobile Phase

Extraction Column Wash

FIGURE 1. Illustrative staggered chromatograph

Injection Volume

TABLE 2. LC Method Deta

Sulfatide LC Method Detai

LC Method Length

Data Window

Analytical Columns

Loading Mobile Phase

Eluting Mobile Phase

Injection Volume